A pair of Viatorian associates, Ken and Michelle Barrie, lead the Catholic Ministry Office for the Bishop McNamara Catholic School System in Bourbonnais and Kankakee.

(L-R) Associates Ken and Michelle Barrie, and Paula Wasser, back row
Is it any wonder, then, that they would involve one of the Viatorian parishes, St. George Church in Bourbonnais, in accompanying young people on their spiritual journey?
The parish, led by Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, and its new Fr. Querbes Youth Ministry Center hosted the recent retreat for Bishop McNamara High School sophomores.
Held annually, this daylong experience invited students to reflect on their high school experience in a climate of acceptance, respect, and mutual support at school and in the greater community. Overall, the Barries work to provide opportunities for faith formation, liturgies, Christian service and retreats among Bishop McNamara students.

The Fr. Querbes Hall at St. George Parish hosted Bishop McNamara sophomores.
For this retreat, they worked with Associate Paula Wasser to run the event. Wasser is a Bishop McNamara alumna and new Viatorian associate (She made her first commitment in July). As a result, she is actively working to carry out the Viatorian charism, as one who is committed to the faith development and active membership of young people in their respective faith communities.
Turns out, the sophomore retreat was a dry run. Look for these same associates to work together again this July, when St. George and its Fr. Querbes Youth Ministry Center host the Viatorian Youth Congress, with delegates coming from across the country and Colombia. Its mission is to help teens deepen their grasp of the Catholic faith and learn ways to greater advance the Viatorian mission.