Professed Viatorians all begin as religious brothers.
Men who enter their novitiate, or novice year, are referred to as “Brother.” Then upon professing first vows, a man in formation becomes a Viatorian and affixes CSV (standing for Cleric of Saint Viator) as a suffix following his name. (Read more about Viatorian formation here.)
What is the difference between a Viatorian brother and a Viatorian priest? First, they have a lot in common:
- Brothers and priests both profess vows.
- Brothers and priests both live in community.
- Brothers and priests both serve the people of God, inspired by the Viatorian charism and mission.
- Additionally, all professed Viatorians begin their religious life as Viatorian brothers.
Some professed Viatorians respond to God’s invitation by seeking ordination to the priesthood.
Viatorian priests are distinguished just by their priestly ordination. This means they serve the people of God through Sacramental ministry and certain ecclesiological offices, in addition to the mission and ministry they share in common with Viatorian brothers.
Many Viatorians live their entire religious life as brothers and do not seek ordination.
What do Viatorians wear?

Br. John Eustice, CSV in brother’s collar

Fr. Mick Egan, CSV in priest clerical collar
Viatorians wear both formal dress with collar as well as plain clothes, and of course, priests and deacons wear vestments when celebrating Sacraments.
Viatorians often wear their formal dress for special occasions and official Sacramental or pastoral work; however, Viatorians often go to work in business casual clothing and attend social gatherings in everyday clothing.
Articles from the Guide to Religious Ministries
Vocation in the Catholic Church : Learn more about the various ways people answer God’s invitation to serve the Church and one another.
Call to Religious Ministry : Learn more about various facets of religious life.