Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV, is a native of Colombia and last month, he professed his final vows with the

Br. Jhobany Orduz was the latest Viatorian to receive his ring from Fr. Dan Hall, during his perpetual vow ceremony in Bogotá.
Viatorians. Since January, he has lived with fellow Viatorians in this country in an attempt to learn English.
Now, he is not only mastering the language, but he has had an article published in the latest ASTES Journal, in English.
The online journal is dedicated to publishing research results in all aspects of technology relevant to the physical science and engineering communities. Its name reflects its mission of promoting Advances in Sciences, Technology and Engineering Systems (ASTES). Br. Jhobany developed the article after completing research with two of his students at Catholic University in Bogotá, Colombia, where he was a teacher and administrator in its Civil Engineering School.
“Our research is related to sustainability, and more specifically in roads and the environment,” Br. Jhobany says. “That is one important topic that Pope Francis talked about in his encyclical Laudato Si.”
Specifically, the article talks about how human beings produce plastic for so many things that the pollution from so much plastic is quickly increasing.
“So, with my group of research, we worked with the possibility of using recycled plastic in structures of pavement as a principal material,” Br. Jhobany says. “The main idea was to simulate in one software different types of structures and determine the best one for new research.”

Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV