How important is Taizé prayer to the Viatorian Community? Very important, judging by the number of people who viewed last night’s first livestreamed Taizé prayer service — and the number of Viatorians who made it happen.
Here’s a run down: Associate Hector Obregon-Luna and Br. John Eustice filmed the prayer service. Br. John Eustice offered a welcome, Associates Karen Cutler and Julie Baker and Randy Baker set up the chapel, and Randy later did the gospel reading. Bishop Christopher Glancy and Br. Michael Gosch were in attendance and joined with others in lighting candles during the service.
“It was a profound experience of prayer,” Bishop Glancy said afterwards.
The musicians played a key role. They included: Norma Garcia, Mary Ann Beatty, Tom Steffin and Ed Magistrado, who encouraged singing each chant for several minutes — like a mantra. The repetition helped worshipers connect with God, while disconnecting them from life’s stress.
However, what makes the Viatorian Taize prayer service so special is its devotion to praying for young people as they negotiate today’s world.
Here’s the litany prayed at every service:
Fr. Louis Querbes founded the Viatorians to serve young people and the Holy Altar. Continuing his mission, we now call upon St. Viator to pray with us for young people in our world. To the following prayers, please respond: Pray with us St. Viator.
For young people weighed down by school………………Pray with us St. Viator
For young people lacking true friends…………………..….Pray with us St. Viator
For young people crushed by rejection………………….….Pray with us St. Viator
For young people lacking confidence………………………..Pray with us St. Viator
For young people alienated from parents………………….Pray with us St. Viator
For young people considering suicide……………………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people trapped in poverty………………………. Pray with us St. Viator
For young people controlled by drugs or alcohol……….Pray with us St. Viator
For young people victimized by sexual abuse…………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people raising children …………….…………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people hurt by violence ………………………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people seeking Jesus……………………………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people serving others ………………………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people healing the broken…………………….. Pray with us St. Viator
For young people leading the church……………………… Pray with us St. Viator
For young people considering religious life……………… Pray with us St. Viator
For Viatorian religious and associates worldwide, and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Guadalupe……. Pray with us St. Viator
For lay ministers in Viatorian parishes and schools……. Pray with us St. Viator
For Viatorians serving in our missions in Colombia….. Pray with us St. Viator
St. Viator model of holiness, companion to the young intercede for us.