As 2021 winds down to a close and Viatorians reflect on all of their blessings, the magnificence of God’s creation found in the beauty of the falling snow, lies right in front of them, on the grounds of the Viatorian Province Center.
With its nearly seven acres of land, dotted with close to 100 trees, the freshly fallen snow presents a panorama of peace and beauty for all to see.
The seasonal display was new this year for one of the Province Center’s most recent residents. Br. Michael Rice, CSV, returned to the Midwest after spending more than 20 years in Las Vegas, where he served at St. Viator Catholic Community.
“I love the snow,” Br. Rice says simply. “My room is on the corner of the building, so I can see all of this right from my window.”
The snow appeared after a long wait. It had been more than nine months since the Chicago area had recorded any snowfall, yet each year it returns and the first dusting never fails to provide joy.
The Viatorian Community established its Province Center on rich farmland and orchards in Arlington Heights more than 60 years ago, with its namesake high school on the northern edge of the property.
As a religious community, Viatorians are committed to caring for the environment, and the nature sanctuary that comes alive before their eyes every season reminds them daily of the magnificence of God’s creation.