Oh, the places you’ll go!
During Br. Michael Rice’s years as a Viatorian brother, he has served
in Springfield, IL, before teaching in Bogota, Colombia, serving as principal of Saint Viator High School and ultimately at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, where he has been the plant manager for the last 20 years.
Late last month, parish staff members and his Viatorian confreres wished him well with a send-off party in the church’s new parish center. The setting was appropriate since Br. Rice was instrumental in the recent renovation of the church and its parish center.
Fittingly, the theme of the party was “Around the World” and Br. Rice wore a pith helmet for his future adventures. Staff members posed for pictures with him, both from the school and the parish, acknowledging how valuable he had been to establishing the prayerful setting for the church campus.
Consider his work in 2012, when Br. Rice helped the parish become a statewide leader in conservation and renewable energy, with the installation of solar panels on its school campus.
Br. Rice called it a “win-win” for the church community, but Viatorians saw it as an extension of their charism of being good stewards of the earth, ever mindful of ways to conserve energy.
Safe travels, Br. Rice. And thank you for years of dedicated service.