Viatorians around the world remember their founder, the Venerable Fr. Louis Querbes, on Sept. 1 each year, the anniversary of his death. Known as Querbes Day, the anniversary offers Viatorians the chance to reflect on his founding vision as well as to advance the charism with new members and fresh ideas.

Viatorians surround a statue of Fr. Querbes in the Viatorian section of Queen of Heaven Cemetery
To commemorate the day, Viatorians in the Arlington Heights/Chicago region, made their annual pilgrimage to Queen of Heaven Cemetery in West suburban Hillside, where Viatorians are buried.
The Viatorian section of the cemetery contains 142 gravesites, dating back to 1949, when Fr. John O’Mahoney, CSV, a former president of St. Viator College and provincial, was buried there. Before that, Viatorians were buried at Maternity BVM Cemetery in Bourbonnais.
“This annual pilgrimage gives members of the community the opportunity to reflect on the many blessings of those who came before them,” says Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, “and give thanks for the rich legacy they left behind.”
It is part visitation and prayer service, as associates, brothers and priests listen to the names of each Viatorian buried there, and remember their devotion to the Viatorian mission.

Pre-Associates Jen Jones and Joanne Andrews pose with Fr. Larry Lentz, Br. Peter Lamick and Associates Bridget Michlik and Connie Gerber.
In Las Vegas, Viatorians gathered at St. Viator Parish for a prayer service to celebrate the legacy of Fr. Querbes, followed by a dinner and planning meeting for ways to animate the charism this fall.
“The day gives us the chance to reconnect with other Viatorians in the region,” says Associate Anthony Gugino, who is a member of the Henderson/Las Vegas regional leadership team. “We shared new ideas for our region and heard an update from Br. Peter Lamick, our Vocations Director, about hosting VYC here next year and about the young men’s retreat held back in August.”

Br. Peter Lamick, right, updates the group on vocations events.
The evening also offered the chance to meet the region’s pre-associates, who are discerning their call to join the community as lay associates. They include: Joanne Andrews, Randy Boynton, Shaynee Boynton, Lora Feely, Cathy Flynn, Jen Jones, Georgina Martinez, Keely Ratajcyk, Jason Valle and Jackie White.
Members of the western regional leadership team planned and hosted the event. Besides Anthony, they include Associates Tommy Gugino, Kim Martinez and Dan Schwarz.