As we once again enter into the story of the gospel, we are asked to join with Mary Magdalene and the other women as they walk to the tomb early that Sunday morning.
They wonder who will roll back the stone for them — who will roll back the stone for us — only to find that the stone had already been rolled back and that the tomb was empty. It could not hold Jesus. It could not contain his power, could not overcome his love.
And it is through the resurrection of Jesus that we discover that the tomb no longer symbolizes death, but rather is the place where we discover life — everlasting life.
At this time when we are confronted with violence and death — in Syria, the Middle East and even on the streets of Chicago — and the many other places in our world, let us proclaim LIFE – and PEACE – as we look to the risen Christ as our hope, as our salvation.
Let Easter joy embrace our world.
Happy Easter!
Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV, provincial
Clerics of St. Viator — Chicago Province