After 12 years as provincial of the Viatorian Community, and two days after the installation of a new provincial, Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, relaxed.
He and Br. Carlos Ernesto Florez, CSV, invited the staff to a barbeque lunch, during which they manned the grill and prepared a feast of hamburgers, bratwurst and all the fixings.
Fr. von Behren personally thanked each person for their contributions and help in handling the day to day business of the Viatorian Community. Without them, he said, he could never have done his job as effectively.
“Leaving is always hard,” Fr. von Behren said, “but it would be much harder if I didn’t have something exciting to do.”
After attending the Provincial Assembly later this month, Fr. von Behren will head to Las Vegas where he will continue building the foundation for a new school to be sponsored by the Viatorian Community: Cristo Rey St. Viator Las Vegas College Prep.
The school will embody the Cristo Rey model of blending rigorous academic preparation with significant professional work experience through the Corporate Work Study Program, Catholic values and supporting students to — and through — college.
Fr. von Behren, who formerly served as president of Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, will serve as president.