more flowers and veggiesAs summer winds down, the Viatorian Community garden is gearing up.

Over the last four weeks, gardeners have harvested nearly 300 pounds of fresh vegetables — including green beens, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant — and nearly 50 bouquets of fresh cut flowers.

All of their produce has been donated to the Wheeling Township food pantry, which serves 400 families per month who are coming from throughout Chicago’s Northwest suburbs.

Led by Fr. Dan Hall, CSV, members of the Viatorian Community have pledged to feed the hungry in their local community, and rolling up their sleeves and toiling in the garden on the grounds of the Province Center have enabled them to do that.

Their efforts are making a veggies

“Not only was the produce extremely fresh and beautiful when it arrived, but the vast variety of the produce choices was a big hit and well received by the clients we serve,” said Michael Schroeder, Wheeling Township Supervisor. “Likewise, the colorful bouquets of flowers brought an appreciative smile to a host of female clients.

“Every donation makes a difference in someone’s life,” he added, “and brings relief during a time of need.”