At parishes where Viatorians minister, Easter celebrations were

Children sing at Maternity BVM Church in Bourbonnais.
vibrant, filled with beautiful music, flowers and dynamic liturgy.

Young people participate in Easter Sunday Mass at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas.
It’s all part of what Viatorians do, in their mission of building up communities of faith.

Worshipers fill St. Mary’s Church in Beaverville, IL for the Easter Vigil.
Literally, at the top of the Viatorian Community’s vision statement is their commitment to be educators of faith and to raise up communities of believers who espouse the values of Jesus Christ in our life and work.

Even the baptismal font at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV, was decorated with flowers.
Key to their mission, is working with young people. In the spirit of Fr. Louis Querbes, Viatorians minister to and with young people in the Church and are committed to their faith development and active membership in their respective faith communities.

A side altar at the Viatorian Province Center Chapel.
“As Viatorians, living in a world of cultural diversity, we embrace those who are accounted of little importance by some.”