It’s not often that visitors come bearing gifts and baked goods for the retired religious at the Viatorian

Kathy Shields and Mike Crilly come bearing gifts.
Province Center, as well as the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
But Mike Crilly and Kathy Shields, who are the niece and nephew of Fr. James Crilly, CSV, who passed away Nov. 2 after a long illness, did just that.
They surprised everyone at the Province Center when they arrived with gifts for everyone who had helped with Fr. Crilly’s funeral and befriended him during the 10 years of retirement when he lived in the senior residence wing.
“We can’t thank you enough for all that you did for Fr. Jim,” Kathy Shields said.

Sr. Victoria Medina, left, and Sr. Eva Delina Sanchez received their gifts in Christmas stockings.
She and her cousin especially wanted to thank the religious sisters, who not only prepared the large funeral luncheon for extended family and well wishers after his funeral, but who continue to keep Fr. Crilly and his family in their prayers.
“He is in heaven,” said Sr. Victoria Medina, M.S.C.Gpe.
Just coming back to the Province Center, and visiting with Fr. Crilly’s fellow Viatorians and staff members, reminded them of their beloved uncle.
“We have been here many, many times,” Mike Crilly said. “We know how happy he was here.”