Viatorians at Colegio San Viator in Tunja, Colombia organized a gathering of young people last week, held in the auditorium of the Juan de Castellanos University. Students from surrounding schools came to participate in a day of reflection that Viatorians called, “The Mechanics of the Heart.”
The chance to come together drew students from Colegio San Viator, as well as from other schools in Tunja and students from nearby towns, including Nuevo Colón, Oicatá and Jenesano.
These young people heard from a pair of inspirational keynote speakers, including Sr. Martha Moreno (Sister of Jesus Maria), known in Colombia as “Sister Selfie,” and paralympic athlete, Charlie Neme, who is a world rugby champion.
“It was an opportunity for the 220 participating students to reflect on their life and their ability to face adversities,” says Fr. Pedro Herrera, CSV.
Br. John Avellaneda, CSV, organized the event as part of his role with the Pastoral Program at Colegio San Viator in Tunja, along with Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, CSV, who works in vocational ministry for the Viatorians.
“The intention was to provide space for reflection for young people,” Fr. Herrera added, “not only from our school but also from those institutions that accepted the invitation.”
The collaborative assembly reflected the mission of Viatorians, worldwide: “As Viatorians, in the spirit of our founder, the Venerable Fr. Louis Querbes, we minister to and with young people in the church, and are committed to their faith development and active membership in their respective faith communities.”