The future of the Catholic church is in good hands, if the monthly youth Masses at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais are any indication.
The latest one took place Sunday, timed with Harvest Sunday, when teens of the parish not only participated in all aspects of the Mass, but they also went door to door in their community, collecting food for the hungry. They joined with young people from across the Kankakee County Catholic Community in this, the 30th year for Harvest Sunday.
But their social activism began in church, where young people uplifted the congregation, as cantors, Eucharistic ministers, greeters, lectors, musicians, readers and ushers.
Chris Lord, music director for the parish, directed the youth ensemble, which included strings, percussion and woodwinds. She also worked with the talented cantors, who led the congregation in song.
“It is truly a beautiful Mass,” parish leaders say, “and proves that the future of the Catholic church is in good hands.”
The youth Mass and its uplifting benefits — to both the young people who participated and the congregation — reaffirms one of the core missions of the Viatorian Community, which is raising up communities “where faith is lived, deepened and celebrated.”