A lot has changed for Br. Richard-Benoit Tremblay, CSV, over the last few months.
He arrived in late September at the Viatorian Province Center in Arlington Heights, where he found a warm welcome from Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, Provincial. Right from the start, Br. Tremblay began working to improve his English while getting to know his confreres in the Province of Chicago.
Br. Tremblay also is working closely with Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Superior General, who asked him to fill the role of treasurer and councilor on the General Council. Together, they have been planning the next Extraordinary Council meeting, set to take place in November in France. The gathering takes place every year and draws provincials from all of the Viatorian international provinces.
“Working with the Superior General, Fr. Mick Egan, has been a joy and it has been productive,” Br. Tremblay says. “I feel accepted and the work in person complements the virtual work with Zoom very well with the other councilors.
“Life with the retired brothers is also very fraternal,” he adds, “and suits me very well.”
Br. Tremblay brings a lot of experience in missionary work and administration to his role with the General Council. In June, he returned to his native Canada from Peru, where he had spent the last two years as Director of the San Viator Center in Lima.
Prior to that, he helped with the formation of postulants, novices and professed in Peru. As a result of his extensive work in formation, Br. Tremblay was among the Viatorians who established a new foundation in Burkina Faso, and he also served as an aid to the Master of Novices at the novitiate in Bouaké in the Ivory Coast.
Now, in his new role as part of the General Direction, he says he is embracing the challenge and enjoying the collaboration.
“Thanks to the support of my confreres, I remain confident that we will be able to animate the congregation with dynamism,” Br. Tremblay says. “And thank you to the Province of Chicago for its support.”