Viatorian formation begins with our Pre-Novitiate Program. The candidate lives in one of our Viatorian houses and works with some of our men in a Viatorian-sponsored ministry. The purpose of the program is to provide the candidate with a gradual introduction to a more intensive Christian community/living experience. During this time, the candidate has the opportunity to get to know us better and to search out his vocation with the assistance of a director. The length of the program is determined by individual need. The minimum length of the program is one year. Our Pre-Novitiate Program is deliberately flexible in order to provide for the needs of men who come to us at varying ages and with varying educational backgrounds.
The overall goal of the Pre-Novitiate Experience is to provide candidates with a valid experience of religious life. This experience is an important element in the continued discernment of the personal vocation of the candidate. The program normally lasts one year, but it may be altered for sufficient reason.