Viatorians around the world commit to ministering with young people and help raise them in the faith.

Fr. Daniel Belanger, left, Fr. John Peeters, back right, and Fr. Richard Pighini,, right, concelebrated the baccalaureate Mass with Bishop Joseph Siegel of Joliet
That commitment was on display this month when the three Viatorian pastors of parishes in the Kankakee area helped Bishop McNamara High School to celebrate its baccalaureate Mass for the graduating senior class of 2017. It was the inaugural baccalaureate Mass for the new Catholic school system, and Viatorians helped establish a new tradition.
The pastors not only said Mass, but they were able to award diplomas to seniors from their respective parishes.
Fr. Daniel Belanger, CSV, pastor of St. George Parish in Bourbonnais and St. Mary of Beaverville, Fr. John Peeters, CSV, pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Kankakee, and Fr. Richard Pighini, CSV, pastor of Maternity BVM in Bourbonnais all concelebrated the Mass with Bishop Joseph M. Siegel, of the Joliet Diocese.
Salutatorian Cade Turro and Valedictorian Laurel Oosterhouse addressed attendees to inspire the graduating class of 70 students who accumulated a total of $4.5 Million in scholarship offers from various colleges, universities, and community organizations.
The 2016-2017 school year marked the beginning of the new Bishop McNamara Catholic School as one Preschool – 12th grade system. Bishop McNamara is now the Catholic school in the Kankakee county area and educates a total of 900 students at three sites in Bourbonnais, Bradley, and Kankakee.