The Viatorians welcomed four new novitiates to their Latin American Novitiate in Puente Alto,

(L-R) Juan David Ramirez, Parmenio Enrique Medina, Fr. Mark Francis, Fr. Mick Egan, Jhon Alexander Avellaneda and Edwin Alfonso Barreto
Chile. All four are from Colombia and they have begun the process of formation.
They include: Jhon Alexander Avellaneda, Edwin Alfonso Barreto, Parmenio Enrique Medina and Juan David Ramierez, who now make up the class of 2018 group of novices. Fr. Eduardo Millan, CSV, will serve as their novice master.
During their year in the novitiate, they will undergo an intense training process as strong preparation for religious life. Their studies will include immersion into community, pastoral, spiritual and academic studies.
“This training process is a fundamental part of the canonical novitiate year, which starts the path to religious life,” said Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, provincial, who met with group before they left last month for their novitiate year.