Members of the Viatorian Community Council convened this week, as part of their

Associate Juliann Dwyer, Br. John Eustice, CSV, and Associates Randy Baker and Marilyn Mulcahy take their seats with the VCC, advising Fr. Thomas von Behren, provincial, far right
ongoing commitment to advise members of the Provincial Council. They are a new model of participation, formed in 2010 to advise on matters of community life.
As a group, they include three priests, three religious brothers and six lay associates, who come from across the province, including the Henderson/Las Vegas region, as well as the Bourbonnais/Kankakee, and Arlington Heights/Chicago regions.
The group addresses issues common to members of the Province, consequently, their discussions range from tackling concerns in formation, vocations and community life, to broader issues such as mission, spirituality and ministry.
At this recent meeting, the group discussed the theme for the upcoming Provincial Assembly, as directed by Superior General Fr. Alain Ambeault, CSV. Yet most of their time is spent bringing forward issues related to the broader Viatorian Community.
“It’s all about collaboration,” Fr. Daniel Belanger, CSV, said last year at the meeting.
His confrere, Fr. Daniel Lydon, CSV, agrees.
“It’s lay and professed members coming together to talk about community issues,” Fr. Lydon adds. “It’s meaningful.”
They may serve as an advisory board to the provincial and his provincial council, but this much they know: They all are committed to the Viatorian mission and charism.