Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, CSV, has a degree in philosophy, a master’s degree in pedagogy and he is working on his advanced degree in theology. Now, he adds another accomplishment: he was conferred an acolyte of the church, taking him one step closer to ordination.

Fr. Fredy Contreras with Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque
As an acolyte, he is a liturgical minister and will be able to assist the deacon or priest in celebrating the liturgy. If all goes as planned, Br. Juan Carlos will be ordained a deacon next year, which is the last step before being ordained a priest.
“I consider that all the stages since the day of my entry into the community have helped me to mature,” Br. Juan Carlos says, “strengthen my qualities, accept with humility my shortcomings, and above all to walk with others like me who wish to respond to the Lord.”
The ceremony took place in Tunja, Colombia, with Fr. Fredy Contreras, CSV, conferring him as an acolyte. In this historic city, set in the Eastern range of the Colombian Andes, Br. Juan Carlos was among three Viatorians to expand the community’s presence in Colombia, when they opened Colegio San Viator in 2016.

Br. Juan Carlos with his family
Over the years, Br. Juan Carlos has been a teacher, pastoral coordinator and dean of students. He also has been an integral team member in leading the school to its distinction as a bilingual school and one that is certified as an International Baccalaureate School.