Dr. Anthony Fauci is known worldwide as the chief medical officer to the president during the pandemic. But at the annual Blessed are the Peacemakers gala, held virtually by officials with Catholic Theological Union, he credited his Catholic education with giving him a “wide angle lens through which I assess and tackle the challenges of being a public health leader.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Christine Grady
Dr. Fauci and his wife, Dr. Christine Grady — a nurse and bioethicist who leads the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center — were chosen to receive CTU’s most prestigious award.
They were invited to receive the award last year, when Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, served as president of CTU. Though he retired in December, Fr. Francis “attended” the event.
“They praised their preparation in Catholic schools that guided them to work in public health,” Fr. Francis said. “They both saw what they do as a vocation—a calling to work for the public good.”

Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, led CTU as president from 2013 through 2020.
Dr. Fauci attended Regis High School in New York and later the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.
“Throughout my life, Jesuit tenets I learned have guided me,” he added. “Among them, stay faithful to the truth, even truths that may be inconvenient; uphold social justice, and be of service to others.”
Likewise, Grady credited her Catholic education — at Georgetown and Boston College — with giving her the skills and inspiration to dedicate her life to serving others.

Fr. Jason Nesbit and Fr. Moses Mesh graduated from CTU together.
“The turmoil, disruption and suffering that the world has experienced over this last year,” Grady said, “has emphasized to me how absolutely imperative it is to try to be a peacemaker.”
Fr. James Halstead, OSA, serves as chairman of the board of CTU, which includes Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV as one of its newest trustees.
Fr. Halstead said the ethical leadership of Dr. Fauci and Grady epitomized the mission of CTU, which is to “draw on our Catholic heritage to prepare men and women as religious leaders who will also be moved by compassion and infused with courage.”
Watch the entire awards presentation, here.