It has been one year since Br. Rob Robertson left his native Illinois to accept a
position as a junior high counselor at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas. As he approaches his second year of opening faculty meetings, he returns a bit more grounded than last year, having taken on even more responsibilities.
Since joining the school’s staff, he now manages the parish’s web site along with posting much of its social media. He also has become involved in campus ministry at the school, accompanied the eighth graders on a week long field trip and he just returned from the seventh annual Viatorian Youth Congress, something he has been involved in every year.
Yes, Br. Rob has come a long way since 1980, when he was called by the late Fr. Robert Erickson, CSV, to apply for a teaching job at Griffin High School. That fateful call would lead not only to a career in education but conversion to Catholicism and religious life.
After entering religious life in 1987, Br. Rob would spend six years teaching religion and in Campus Ministry at Bishop Gorman High School and a total of 20 years at Saint Viator High School in Campus Ministry and as a guidance counselor.
Currently, he also serves as a member of the Viatorian Provincial Council and on the Board of Governors of Saint Viator High School.