On behalf of the entire provincial council, I would like to offer a sincere prayer for you and your communities/families as we celebrate the Feast Day of our Patron, Saint Viator.
On this day, Oct. 21, Viatorians throughout the world join in solidarity in celebrating our vocation as Viatorians and embracing our mission to build up communities of faith, to care and educate those who are young, and to hold a special place in our hearts “those accounted of little importance by some.”
Today is a indeed a special day … let us celebrate the “New Viatorian Community” by holding each other in prayer and affection. We have much to be grateful for … much to celebrate.
Happy St. Viator Day
Adored and Loved Be Jesus (Fr. Querbes),
Fr. Tom von Behren, C.S.V.
October 21, 2014