Parishioners at St. Thomas More Catholic Community have been reaching out to homebound seniors on Thanksgiving Day — for 20 years — by delivering them a holiday meal and spending time visiting.
This year, they doubled their efforts and delivered a meal to some of those same homebound seniors — who live in the Las Vegas area — on Christmas day.
“We started this ministry when we found out that Meals on Wheels does not deliver on Thanksgiving Day,” says Viatorian Associate Ken Rosania, parish administrator. “When we discovered that they do not deliver on Christmas Day, it just weighed on my heart. How could we turn a blind eye to those who are alone on Christmas?”
In a first time effort, more than 100 St. Thomas More families stepped up to deliver 415 meals to seniors on Christmas Day. Even Fr. Alan Syslo, CSV, associate pastor, helped in delivering the last bunch.
Even before the families arrived, approximately 15 parishioners worked together to prepare the food — ham, corn, yams, rolls and a dessert — before pre-packaging each meal for delivery, all under the watchful eye of Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, pastor.
Viatorian Associates Juliann Dwyer, Cheryl and Dan Schwarz and Don Wells all helped with the project, which Ken Rosania led.
“It was outstanding community service,” Dan Schwarz said, “with staff and parish members of St. Thomas More all working together.”
Once again, parish leaders partnered with HopeLink of Southern Nevada, a nonprofit organization based in Henderson, as well as Meals on Wheels to identify seniors who are homebound or alone on Christmas day.