The Viatorian Community in France is celebrating a pair of ordinations that took place over successive weekends.
“The Lord has graced us with two ordinations of deacon,” said Fr. Pierre Demierre, CSV, Provincial. “These celebrations centered us on our baptism. Being a child of God remains a vocation and a destiny for each one of us.”
Associate Christian Pizot was ordained a permanent deacon on June 20 in the Church of Oullins. Monsignor Mishel Dubost presided and at the end of the ceremony, Christian made his definitive commitment as an associate.
One week later, Br. Philippe Arnal, CSV, was ordained a transitional deacon, taking him one step closer to the priesthood. The ordination took place in the Cathedral of Rodez, with Bishop François Marie Aimé Marius Fonlupt presiding.
“Our gatherings on these two weekends mean that we are not alone,” Fr. Demierre added. “We, the Viatorians, walk with all those who, in every place, invoke the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why we have felt very close to one another, living a strong communion among the baptized. Together we are sent, each according to our vocation, as witnesses of God’s love to the world.”