Children of all ages received their first holy communion over the weekend at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, and despite the unusual year receiving the sacrament proved to be just as powerful.

These high school students prepared all year to receive the Eucharist.
The students in this first weekend celebration were all part of the faith formation program at the parish, and they ranged in age from second grade to high school teens.
Their yearlong preparation took a variety of forms, from one hour virtual classes every Sunday for second graders, to more hybrid models for older students. No matter what their age, the formation included service in the community, often with their families.

Deacon Associate Mike Underwood and Fr. Richard Rinn celebrated the liturgy.
“This year was very different but we adapted and made the best of it, while keeping families safe and at their comfort level,” said Associate Rosy Hartz, Youth Faith Formation Coordinator.
The parish website reinforces the importance of their faith formation classes, describing them as a means for families to pass on their faith.

The largest group was second graders.
“At St. Viator, faith formation is a major part of our mission,” the website states. “It provides opportunities for spiritual growth and enrichment for young people of all ages — and their parents.”

Viatorian Associates Rosy Hartz and Anthony Gugino helped prepare students.
Parish officials add that faith formation comes from one’s experience of God — in the word, worship, service and in the community.