Typically, Jubilee USA works on debt, tax, trade and transparency policies that help end poverty in the world’s poorest countries. But after Pope Francis issued a follow-up to his 2015 encyclical, Laudato si’, climate control and environmental crises are now part of the equation.
Pope Francis urged international cooperation to tackle environmental crises, in a document released today. Laudate Deum – which in Latin means “Praise God” – is a follow-up to his 2015 Laudato Si, the most comprehensive Encyclical on climate and the environment.
“The Pope makes clear that the environmental crisis and plight of the poor are really the same crisis,” stated Eric LeCompte the Executive Director of the religious development group Jubilee USA Network. “Wealthy countries need to take responsibility for the ways they’ve caused the climate crisis and support poor countries that don’t have the resources to deal with the crisis.”
Read the entire statement from Jubilee USA, here.