Typically, pre-associates in discernment spend two years in formation, meeting regularly to learn about the Viatorian Community and its founder, the Venerable Louis Querbes. However, once they make their first commitment, the formation process generally ends as these new associates look to carry out the Viatorian mission.

Associates opened their morning of formation with Mass in the renovated Province Center chapel.
Saturday, members of the the Arlington Heights/Chicago regional team offered associates a chance to revisit their formation, thinking of it as something of a continuing education session.
“The regional leadership team wanted associates to delve a little more deeply into the Viatorian charism and mission,” says Associate Chris Gucwa, who works on the team with Associates John Dussman and Barbara D’Urso as well as Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV.
In putting the event together, they tapped one of the most experienced Viatorians to lead their reflection, Fr. Arnold Perham, CSV, who has been a Viatorian for nearly 70 years. While he spent most of those years as a teacher and mathematician, he also has a strong interest in literature and the arts, and he merged those interests in his presentation.

Fr. Arnie Perham, far left, reflects on the vision of Fr. Querbes.
His reflection was filled with interesting details, as well as little known nuggets of information about the exploration of Viatorian Provinces and Foundations around the globe.
That was just for starters. Fr. Arnie then went on to draw links between a French hymn about the Venerable Fr. Louis Querbes by Paul Pierre, CSV of Haiti, Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ In The Wind, and the official hymn for the 2025 Papal Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope, by Pierangelo Sequeri; with the English translation by Andrew Wadsworth.
“If Fr. Arnie wasn’t such a gifted teacher, he would have made a great investigative reporter,” quips Chris Gucwa. “Everyone who attended the event really enjoyed our time with him and tapping into his deep well of information and experience of the Viatorian Community, charism and mission.”