Diego Carvajal formally begins his year in the novitiate under the guidance of Fr. Eduardo MIllan, CSV
Diego Carvajal, of Bogotá, is the Viatorian Community’s latest novice. He brings a background in public accounting to the community, having earned his degree in 2016 from Universidad la Gran Colombia. But it was a spiritual retreat he attended during college when he began questioning what God had planned for his life, that ultimately led to an interest in a religious vocation.
With a renewed spirituality, Diego joined a youth group at his parish and was a catechist for two years, before he began the process of discernment with the Viatorians, which formally started in 2019.

Diego Carvajal
Diego entered the Viatorian novitiate — run by the Latin American and Caribbean Council in Puente Alto, Chile — on March 11, and will prepare for his vocation under the guidance of Fr. Eduardo Millan, CSV, novice master.
“This training process is a fundamental part of the canonical novitiate year, which starts the path to religious life,” says Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Superior General.

Diego, front center, with his proud family and Fr. Millan, front row right
The Latin American and Caribbean Council, or CLAC, formed in 2001 to serve the growing number of novices in Colombia and Chile. Their year in the novitiate consists of an intense training process as strong preparation for religious life, that includes studies in pastoral, spiritual and academic areas.
“Diego’s experience in the novitiate immerses him in the roots and life of the Viatorian Community,” says Fr. Pedro Herrera, CSV, “while giving him an opportunity to develop his inner spirituality and reflect on his vocation.”