Three months after they were elected and six weeks after they were installed, Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, and
members of his Provincial Council — Br. John Eustice, Fr. Mark Francis, Fr. Dan Hall and Fr. Albeyro Vanegas — got down to business.
They convened in the office of the Provincial Superior, with documents, spread sheets and lap top computers in front of them to begin going about the governance of the Viatorians in this country and in Colombia.
Over the course of two days, they will discuss all of the sites where Viatorians minister — including associates, brothers and priests — as well as peace and justice initiatives, marketing and communications efforts and ultimately determine the priorities for the Chicago Province over the next four years.
Each member brings dynamic experience to the table — as well as 170 years collectively as Viatorians.
Fr. Egan is not only the provincial but the senior spokesman for the group, having been a Viatorian the longest among them, or 47 years. His assignments have included serving as pastor of St. Viator Church in Chicago and most recently at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, Nevada. But he also spent many years as a teacher and administrator, both at Griffin High School in Springfield as well as at Saint Viator High School, where he last served as president.
Fr. Francis currently serves as president of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, but he formerly served as Superior General of the Viatorian Community, worldwide, for 12 years. He also is recognized internationally as a scholar in sacred liturgy and inculturation. He has been a Viatorian for 41 years.
Fr. Hall, the assistant provincial, has been a Viatorian for 35 years. He currently
serves as vice president of Viatorian identity and mission at Saint Viator High School, where he also teaches and coaches. But he also was involved in mission work, having started the Viatorian mission in Belize.
Fr. Albeyro Vanegas is the first Colombian to serve on the Provincial Council. In doing so, he represents the growing Viatorian presence in the cities of Bogotá and Tunja — 25 percent of the Viatorian Community now lives and works in Colombia — but he also brings his expertise as president of Colegio San Viator, an IB school recognized as one of the best in Colombia. Fr. Vanegas has been a Viatorian for 35 years.
Br. Eustice brings his passion for ministering to young people — a core principle of the Viatorians — to the group. He just finished serving in the Campus Ministry department at Saint Viator High School and soon will begin his first pastoral assignment, working in youth and young adult ministry at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais. He has been a Viatorian for 12 years.