A little more than one week after Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, was elected as provincial and
two of his four Provincial Council members were elected — Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, and Fr. Dan Hall, CSV — the remaining two members have been named.
Br. John Eustice, CSV, and Fr. Albeyro Vanegas, CSV, now will take their places on the Provincial Council, to serve as part of the leadership team of the Viatorian Community.
Both bring an interesting dynamic to the group.
Br. John currently works in campus ministry at Saint Viator High School, though he will be leaving this summer to accept a new role in youth ministry at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais. Br. John is one of the youngest professed Viatorians in this country. He is a native of Las Vegas and he joined the Viatorian Community in 2005.
Fr. Vanegas is a native of Colombia and he serves as president of the award winning Colegio San Viator in Bogotá. He is the first Colombian to serve on the Provincial Council and he brings more than 35 years as a Viatorian to the group.

Fr. Dan Hall, CSV, will add the role of assistant provincial to his duties as a coach, teacher and administrator at Saint Viator High School
Additionally, Fr. Egan has asked Fr. Dan Hall to be his assistant provincial. According to the constitution of the Clerics of St. Viator, “in the event that (the provincial) is absent or unable to function, the assistant provincial exercises the authority of the provincial superior.”
Both Fr. Egan and Fr. Hall served together for the last four years on the last Provincial Council, along with Fr. Thomas von Behren, provincial. They provide a sense of continuity as the Provincial Council seeks to carry out the Viatorian mission in the United States and Colombia.