The more than 30 volunteers who spent the last week in Belize building home structures, stocking food pantries and working with teachers, returned home Tuesday, tired but filled with joy.

Team members work to finish a house for a family of five.
“The sun has set on our 2025 Belize mission,” said Amanda Fierce, one of the volunteers. “It was a week filled with hard work, grace, learning and love.”
Their mission was inspired by Fr. Moses Mesh, CSV, a native of Belize and first Viatorian priest from the country, and parishioners spent months fundraising to go. They worked with former Viatorian Associate Rafael Cobb and his nonprofit, Compassion Belize, which is dedicated to breaking the chains of poverty in Corozal Town, Belize.
The organization is similar to Habitat for Humanity, in that volunteers from Maternity worked alongside local residents in building a house and another room addition to another home. Fittingly, the volunteers departed just 10 days after the death of former President Jimmy Carter, who spent one week a year working with Habitat for Humanity volunteers.

Members of the family enjoy their new home.
“I am so proud of Maternity BVM Church and the support for the rekindling of the mission to Corozal Town,” said Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, Pastor. “Thanks to all who prayerfully and financially contributed to the mission and the roughly 30 pilgrims who said yes.”
He reminded his parishioners that the last mission group from Maternity to work Belize was in 2003, when Viatorians were serving at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Corozal Town.
“I was a newly-professed brother serving in Belize and met many wonderful parishioners from Maternity for the first time,” Fr. Jason said. “It brings joy in my heart to see this connection rekindled between Corozal Town and Maternity BVM Parish.”

Musicians from several parishes combined for the Mass.
During their week, team members helped residents make rosaries, distributed first aid equipment and even taught teachers and students to play the ukulele. They also met some of Fr. Moses’ family and attended Mass at St. Francis Xavier, on one of their last days, where they joined with musicians from several surrounding parishes for the joy-filled celebration.
“This was an amazing opportunity,” Fr. Jason said, “to live our parish mission of becoming missionary disciples.”

Fr. Moses Mesh with a parishioner