Fr. John Milton, CSV, retired in 2010 from full time teaching at De Paul University, and that after he spent his first 20 years as a founding member of the science staff at Saint Viator High School.
He continues to serve as a physics consultant to faculty members at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep, all this while saying Mass at area parishes, nursing homes and for his retired confreres at the Viatorian Province Center.
Here, he offers a short reflection for the opening days of Lent.
The first week of Lent has no recognizable theme, nor is there any special order or sequence found in the weekday Mass texts from Scripture. Gospels are chosen from both Matthew and Luke, and the Old Testament readings come from Leviticus, Isaiah, Jonah, Esther, Ezekiel and Deuteronomy.
But the readings each day do relate to each other in some way. Each Mass touches some aspect of our relationship with God — and with one another — which is fit material for reflection that can move us to healing, thinking and seeking.
Every day in the missal, we see this challenge: “Think about this today. See where it takes you today.”
Early in Lent, it’s good to be quiet, move away as best we can from some of our busyness — and listen.