The five pre-associates in formation in Las Vegas heard from an unexpected source this week when learning about the history of the Viatorian Community: Fr. Alain Ambeault, CSV, a former Superior General, and two-term Provincial of the Province of Canada.

Back row: Paul Mertzman, Shelley Aguiar and Connie Gerber; middle row: Patrick Aller, Mary Thompson and Fr. Larry Lentz; front row: Fr. Alain Ambeault, Julianne Dwyer, Mary Ellen Dorough and Br. Carlo Florez
At a meeting with the formation team, led by Br. Carlos Florez, CSV, Fr. Ambeault presented the Charter of the Viatorian Community to the pre-associates. The Charter outlines the purpose of the Viatorian Community, with professed and associates sharing in the Viatorian charism, living it in community, prayer and ministry.
During his visit to Las Vegas, Fr. Ambeault stayed with Br. Florez. They served together in the General Direction, from 2013 to 2019, in Rome, leading the worldwide Viatorian Community.
At their formation meeting, Fr. Ambeault engaged in a lively and meaningful discussion with the pre-associates, regarding the foundational document for the Viatorian Community.
The pre-associates in Las Vegas are among 15 currently in formation across the Province of Chicago. In Las Vegas, they include Patrick Aller, a recent MBA graduate now working for a start-up in the hospitality industry in Las Vegas; Shelley Aguiar, a member of St. Thomas More Catholic Community and retired administrative specialist with the Henderson Police Department; Mary Ellen Dorough, a fifth grade teacher at St. Viator Parish School, Paul Mertzman, assistant principal at St. Viator, and Mary Thompson, who teaches religious education at St. Thomas More.
“It was a wonderful evening,” said Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, “and all left enriched by the experience.”