Officials with the Conference of Major Superiors of Men had mixed reactions to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Feb. 5.
“There were a number of helpful things said and others we might want to challenge as Christians,” said Eli McCarthy, director of justice and peace for the organization, which is based in Maryland.
“We should challenge his characterization of undocumented immigrants as extraordinary criminals,” McCarthy wrote in his latest Justice & Peace Alert, “because such people generally commit less crime than native born residents.
“We should also note that ‘building a culture that cherishes innocent life’ appears to distract if not also be inconsistent with ‘human dignity for all,’ ” McCarthy added, “because all life is sacred and all life should be cherished.”
Read the entire text of the alert, here. It also contains an update on a petition sent to leaders at Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase banks, urging them to move their money from private prisons which profit from immigrant detention.