The Viatorian Community joins with the Washington-based organization, Every Child Matters, in support of a coalition of grassroots and national advocates to lift up the stories and challenges of families and child care providers amidst today’s unprecedented health and economic crisis. Child Care in Crisis: Stories from the Field shares the experiences of dozens of parents, caregivers, educators, and small business owners, in their own words, as they struggle to care for loved ones, support their families, and stay healthy amid the coronavirus pandemic.

We are sharing these stories with members of Congress and calling on them to take immediate action to save child care. While the federal coronavirus relief packages enacted so far have provided some assistance to families and small businesses, these stories illustrate the need to make additional, substantial and direct investments in child care an urgent priority.

Please read and share these powerful stories, and let us know how you are navigating this unprecedented time. Share your experiences with child care during the pandemic using the hashtag #SaveChildCare.

To fellow parents, caregivers, child care providers, this is our message: while this crisis has made many of us feel isolated and overwhelmed, we are not alone. By standing together and raising our collective voices, we can move towards an equitable economic recovery, and a brighter future for our children. The time to act to save child care is now.
