The third Sunday of Advent is referred to as Gaudete Sunday, or rejoice and be filled with joy. Confirmation students at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais took that message to heart over the weekend and shared their Christmas joy with parishioners.
Accompanied by some adults, they went door to door in the church’s surrounding neighborhoods spreading Christmas cheer through caroling.
“Happy Gaudete Sunday! Prepare the way of the Lord,” parish leaders said on their Facebook page, as they shared photos of the Confirmation class sharing joy through Christmas carols on this third Sunday of Advent.
While Christmas caroling and bringing Christmas cheer to surrounding neighbors was a unique way of fulfilling service requirements as they prepare for Confirmation, these students also brought to life the mission of their parish.
Its mission statement is situated right at the top of its website: “Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nourished by the Holy Eucharist, we are missionary disciples radiating the light and love of Christ to all.”
In addition, as members of this Viatorian parish, they are animating a core mission of the Viatorian Community, which is to “raise up communities where faith is lived, deepened and celebrated.”