Fr. John Pisors, CSV, dedicated his life to educating young people in Colombia. Though he grew up in Chicago and met the Viatorians at St. Viator Parish where his family attended, it was the people of Bogotá who captured his heart.

Fr. John Pisors, CSV
He arrived at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá in 1967, or four years after it opened, and over the next six decades, he would serve in many capacities at the school: teaching religion, math and English; as an administrator and in pastoral ministry. Even in his retirement, he helped with English translation.
Fr. Pisors was on hand one year ago for its 60th anniversary, where as part of the celebration school officials created an award in his name, recognizing his lifetime of service to the colegio.
Now, the entire school community is mourning his passing. Fr. Pisors passed away Nov. 22 after a long illness. He was 84. Per Fr. Pisors’ request, his body will be donated to science, but a memorial Mass will be held Dec. 3, in the place where he found his greatest joy and satisfaction as a Viatorian, at Colegio San Viator.
Though he is gone, his wisdom and spirituality survives through his writing, which he intended for school families. In all, he wrote nine books and 45 pocket size booklets, frequently with titles such as ‘For the Young Person.’ or ‘For the Catholic,’ or ‘For the Religious,’ or ‘For the Young Couples that Want to Think.‘
Just last year, Fr. Pisors pulled together a compendium of his writings, calling it, “For the Wise Person Who Wants to Think.”
Administrators at Colegio San Viator promoted his writing on the school’s website, inviting school families to “explore the great collection of writings by Fr. John Pisors.” The collection was more than 800 pages and all in Spanish.
They contain rich detail and wise advice from Fr. Pisors, who was the only one of 18 American Viatorians who served in Bogotá — and stayed.
“Today we honor the memory of Father John A. Pisors, CSV, by remembering his passion for education, spirit of service and example of life,” administrators wrote on the school’s Instagram account. “We wholeheartedly thank him for his years of service to the colegio and the Viatorian Community.”