Fr. Greg Jones, CSV, grew up in different countries around the world, literally, and as an adult he figured he would pursue a life in missionary work. However, once he met some Viatorians while attending Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, he foresaw a different life, as a Viatorian.

In this podcast episode of Viatorian Voices: Conversations on the Way, hear Fr. Jones describe the influence of some of his Viatorian mentors, including Fr. John Linnan, CSV, who was president of CTU at the time.

“(Fr. Linnan) was a theologian, but he had the ability to make God pure and simple,” Fr. Jones said.

Another was Fr. Thomas Langenfeld, CSV, whom he described as “kind and good, gentle and smart.”

“I could go on, but I met really good men who encouraged me,” Fr. Jones says, “and inspired me to join them.”