Viatorians from around the world gathered today in Santiago, Chile for the opening of
the Extraordinary General Council, carrying on a tradition that dates back exactly 50 years.
The summit draws provincials from all of the Viatorians international provinces — including Canada, Chile, Spain, the United States and the delegation of France — in consultation with Viatorian Superior General Fr. Alain Ambeault, CSV, and his councilors, Fr. Harry Célestin, CSV, Fr. André Crozier, CSV, Br. Luis Alvarez, CSV, and Br. Carlos Ernesto Flôrez, CSV.
The meeting is conducted in the spirit of international solidarity and intended to share ways to promote the development of the Viatorian mission around the world.
Back in 1966, the Extraordinary General Council was convened in Rome, site of the former General Direction, and it included a private audience with Pope Paul VI.
“For the first time, the Clerics of St. Viator heard the sovereign pontiff speak of their founder, of their special vocation and their activities,” said Fr. Michel Sudres, CSV, the superior general at the time.
Right from the start, the EGC was meant to be consultative body whose purpose was to promote unity with the General Council and the provinces, and ultimately strengthen bonds across the Viatorian Community.
“Viatorians throughout the world are joining together, praying for us,” said Br. Carlos of the five-day meeting, “asking the Holy Spirit to be especially present to our leaders during this important time.”