It only happens once a year, when Viatorian Provincials from around the world meet for an important meeting with the Superior General and members of the General Council. Called the Extraordinary General Council, this international meeting takes place in a different location each time. This year, they met in Bouaké, Ivory Coast. Last year they met in Bogotá, Colombia.

Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimė , Superior General, celebrates Sunday Mass, with Br. Darius Armani, at right.
Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimė , CSV, the newly elected Superior General, led the meeting this week with members of the General Council, including: Br. Darius Armani, CSV, from Ivory Coast; Fr. Victor Camara, CSV, who serves in Honduras, the Vicar General; Fr. Gerardo Soto, CSV, from Chile and Fr. Fredy Contreras, CSV, from Tunja, Colombia.
Their meeting in Ivory Coast was significant. It is one of three new regions, or semi-autonomous parts of the Viatorian congregation established last summer by the General Direction. It is also a place where the number of vocations to the Viatorian Community is growing.
The meeting draws Provincials together from all of the Viatorians’ international provinces — including Canada, Chile, France, Spain and the United States, represented by Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial. They also represent their respective Foundations and Regions, including Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Haiti, Honduras, Japan and Peru.

Fr. Sylvain Kone, Provincial Superior, holds up the announcement of Ivory Coast as a new region of the Viatorian Community.
At this year’s Extraordinary General Council their discussions ranged from potentially buying a new house in Rome, to finances on the international level and plans for the upcoming Assembly of the Viatorian Community that will take place in October in France.
On Wednesday, they attended the formal beginning of the Region of the Ivory Coast, held at the College in Bouaké run by Viatorians, before on Thursday stopping in Yamoussoukro at the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace for an extensive, guided tour. It is believed to be the largest church in the world.

Basilica of Our Lady of Peace
Ultimately, these Extraordinary General Council meetings promote solidarity between the General Council and the Provinces, and by extension, strengthen the unity of the congregation. The international gathering offers them the chance to live out their vows as Viatorians, committed to the charism of their founder, the Venerable Louis Querbes, and a fervent desire to advance the interculturality of the Viatorian Community.