Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais wrapped up the sacrament of confirmation this year, with their third Mass and celebration on Sunday.

Led by Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV, who officiated, another group of young people received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and were encouraged to go out and make a difference — and live their faith. We need you to spread Christ’s love, to make the world a better place, parish leaders said.

Bishop Glancy anoints a confirmation candidate, with Fr. Dan Lydon, right.

One by one, the young people and their sponsors approached the altar. Through the traditional laying of the hands and anointing with the holy chrism, they received the seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.

During the Mass, Bishop Glancy reflected on the familiar words from Matthew’s gospel, when Jesus asks his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?”

Bishop Glancy and Fr. Jason Nesbit bless the young people and their families.

“As Catholic Christians, we are asked that each time we go out into the world,” Bishop Glancy said. “With these gifts, we have to continue to live our faith as missionary disciples, taking the word out into the world.”