Leaders of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men reacted to comments made by President Donald Trump last week, describing them as “another example in a long line of racist and classist signals.
“He directed these comments to the countries of Haiti, El Salvador, and the continent of Africa,” they add. “Many of our members have relationships and missions in these places. We know of the great gifts and contributions people in these places have made to our Church and to our human community. We know of their sacred dignity as fellow children of God.”
In response, they urge religious communities to take action. Specifically, they urge members to contact Congress and support a resolution of a censure, which would be a formal statement of disapproval for the action.
Additionally, in their latest justice & peace alert, they give ways to take action on Pentagon spending, passing the Dream Act and ways to implement a resolution on gospel nonviolence.
Read the complete justice & peace alert here.