Advent is a wonderful season of the liturgical year. It provides us with time to reflect and anticipate the wonder of Christmas. The joy and anticipation of Advent is truly reflected in the faces of children. They experience the awe and wonder of these festive days of waiting and preparation.

Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, Provincial
The question we adults must ask ourselves is, “For what am I waiting?” If we are waiting for the baby Jesus to be born and placed into a manger in Bethlehem on Christmas Day, that has already happened.
This time of Advent reflection helps us to make this much more personal. God loves us so much that he sent us his only Son as our savior. And once Jesus came into the world and sent us his spirit, he is always with us.
During this darkest time of our year, we are reminded that the light of Christ overcomes all darkness. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” We say in the baptismal ritual, “This light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. This child is always to be a child of the light.”
We are called now to carry the light, to take the message and live it in a very broken world. With the birth of Jesus, the world changed forever. We are called to spread the good news and to make a difference.
May the joy of this holiday season fill your hearts and souls with the love of God. May God continue to bless you and your family today and always.
Fr. Daniel R. Hall, CSV