Members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men joined together in prayer on Feb. 27 in Washington DC for a “Catholic Day of Action for Dreamers.”
They gathered first at Mass with Bishop John Stowe, OFM, before proceeding to the Capitol — and the Senate rotunda — where they prayed the rosary.
Driving them was the need to illuminate the urgency and injustice of immigration laws.
“We call for a clean Dream Act, that neither harms other immigrants nor increases militarization of the border,” they said.
In other parts of the country, Catholics gathered at the Mexican border offering up prayers for Dreamers and their futures.
“We sense the deep pain of their struggles and the desire in us for our country to build bridges, not walls between communities and countries,” they said.
Read more about this empower day of action, here, in the latest justice and peace alert from the Conference of Major Superiors of Men.