Viatorians are celebrating Catholic Schools Week across the country, and they

Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, talks to students at Bishop McNamara High School about vocations during Catholic Schools Week
embrace this year’s theme: developing communities of faith, knowledge and service.
From St. Viator Catholic School in Las Vegas, which celebrates its 50th anniversary, to Saint Viator High School, which drew its largest number in years to its recent entrance exam; to St. Viator Parish School in Chicago, Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School in Bourbonnais, and Bishop McNamara High School in Kankakee — Catholic schools are thriving.
Officials with the National Catholic Educational Association point to national test scores, high school graduation rates, college attendance and other data that underscores the academic excellence and faith-filled excellence driving Catholic schools.
Students at Maternity BVM sum it up this way: “Because I’m happy!”