Construction continues at the Viatorian Province Center in Arlington Heights and the retired men who live there have become accustomed to adapting to new living accommodations — temporarily — as well as a different dining room and even a makeshift chapel for a few weeks.

Br. Michael Rice, CSV, stops to chat with Fr. Bolser.
This second phase of making improvements and upgrades to the more than 70-year old building should be ending in February, but in the meantime Viatorians are taking it in stride and finding new ways to gather.
Take Wednesday, when Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, Fr. Arnold Perham, CSV, and Fr. John Van Wiel, CSV, relaxed together in the front foyer of the building.
Collectively, they represent nearly 200 years of Viatorian ministry and yet even in their retirement they continue to remain busy, with the many students, parish families and Viatorian supporters who stay in touch with them.

Fr. Van Wiel continues to enjoy creating watercolor paintings in his retirement.
Fr. Bolser alone said four Masses between Christmas Eve and Christmas, while Fr. Van Wiel baptized infants of his former students over the weekend. Fr. Perham is enjoying a bit of a break but when second semester begins, he once again will continue working with members of Saint Viator High School’s math team as they prepare for regionals and hopefully the state competition.
It’s all in a day’s work for these professed Viatorians, who even in retirement, remain committed to the community’s mission, “to raise up communities where faith is lived, deepened and celebrated.”

Fr. Van Wiel baptized the infants of former SVHS students Robby Vavrik ’08 and Matt Vavrik ’04 in the Province Center chapel.