Nearly 100 signs turned up across Boubonnais and Kankakee recently, with this message: Another project blessed by Camp MOSH.
They pointed to service projects completed by teens from Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, who participated in its summer mission experience. Camp MOSH stands for Maternity Outreach Service for Humanity and it takes place every other year at the Viatorian parish.
This year, teens completed everything from planting trees and repainting homes, to building sheds and volunteering at local shelters.
“There are more than 6,000 people in Kankakee County who are below the poverty line, and experiencing financial difficulty, medical difficulties, or may be elderly and in need of a helping hand,” says Patty Bailey, youth minister. “These are the very people we strive to help.
“Our purpose is to serve the needs in our community,” she adds. “It is truly a beautiful sight.”
Prayer servies, time for reflection and outdoor liturgies drove the week and its success, but it also brought the entire parish community together, as adult volunteers combined to provide meals and support for the army of young people.
Teens slept in tents on the parish grounds before gathering indoors for breakfast, and heading out in teams to their work site. When they returned for dinner, they heard a guest inspirational speaker, before unwinding with a live local band.
“What a great week we had,” Patty Bailey adds. “A big thank you to everyone who supported and volunteered this year. We couldn’t have done it without you.”