After waiting four long months, school children at St. Viator Parish School in Las Vegas received their first communion last week in a pair of emotional Masses that was limited to each child and their parents.

“Our children stayed patient and prepared,” said Mrs. Tracy Brunelle, Principal. “This past week, Jesus said, ‘Come to Me.’ “

Included in this class were two children with special learning needs, from the school’s MICAH program. Part of its stated mission is to enable students of all abilities to grow into the fullness of life in Jesus.

Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, Pastor, celebrated the Masses and he emphasized how each child was becoming one with Christ that day, and by continuing to receive this sacrament they would share in his eternal life forever.

“I have been to many first communion Masses throughout the years, but not until yesterday had I felt Jesus truly speaking to me deeply through Fr. Rinn’s homily,” said one of the parents, Claudia Escobar. “It was truly inspirational.”