Excitement was running high over the weekend, as high school friends, family members and Viatorians jammed the Province Center chapel to witness Br. Peter Lamick professing his first vows as a Viatorian.
It was a historic day, both for the Viatorian Community and for Br. Peter, who from this day forward will date the start of his religious life back to Jan. 9, 2016.
“I ask for the grace of God to serve this religious community more fully,” Br. Peter said to Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, provincial at the outset of the ceremony.
Fr. John Van Wiel, CSV, who had served as Br. Peter’s novice director over the last year, formally called him to the altar for the vows, before Br. Peter placed his hand on the Bible and professed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for a period of three years.
“It is important to note that this call is first and foremost from God, originating in our common baptismal call,” Fr. von Behren said. “Then it is heard within the church, through the many little places in our lives where we encounter God’s spirit.”
Fr. von Behren credited Br. Peter’s spiritual upbringing within his family, St, James Parish, at Saint Viator High School and at Benedictine University, which all had helped to bring him to this point.
“This call, heard within the whispers of others throughout your life story is now to be lived out in service to the people of God as a consecrated religious,” Fr. von Behren said.
One day after completing his year in the novitiate and taking his first vows, Br. Peter moved to St. Viator Parish in Chicago where he will work in peace and justice initiatives with Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, while attending DePaul University to earn his accreditation in education.
“We Viatorians rejoice with you this day, and with your family,” Fr. von Behren said, “and we pray that you will be filled with the grace necessary to live out these vows in holiness and humility.”